# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Matteo Degiacomi
# BiobOx is free software ;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ;
# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# BiobOx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BiobOx ;
# if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
# Author : Matteo Degiacomi, matteothomas.degiacomi@gmail.com
import os
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from biobox.classes.structure import Structure
from biobox.classes.assembly import Assembly
[docs]class Polyhedron(Assembly):
Subclass of :func:`Assembly <assembly.Assembly>`, allowing the assembly of polyhedral symmetries.
After instantiation, the first method to be called is :func:`setup_polyhedron <polyhedron.Polyhedron.setup_polyhedron>`
[docs] def setup_polyhedron(self, polyname, M, dbfilename=""):
load information for the generation of a polyhedral assembly.
It loads the desired :func:`Structure <structure.Structure>` to be used as building block (it automatically centers and alignes it).
it also loads and geometric information about the desired polyhedron from database.
database contains this information: [polymer_name number_of_vertices numbe_of_edges vertices_coordinates vertices_connectivity connectivity_type]
* Vertices_coordinates contains a list of 3D positions, formatted as x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2,...
* Connectivity lists couples of vertices ID being connected, formatted as conn1_1 conn1_2 conn2_1 conn2_2...
* conn_type allows to group edges, so that rotation angles can be applied to subgroups of those. This is a list of numbers, that should include zero as lowest number.
A default conn_type is provided by database, the user can however regroup the edges at will.
.. note:: This method has to be called first.
:param polyname: name of the polyhedron to be assembled. The name should be located in the polyhedra database.
:param M: monomer to be used as building block. Should be an instance of Structure class.
:param dbfilename: polyhedra database file.
if len(dbfilename) == 0:
folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
dbfilename = "%s/polyhedron_database.dat" % folder
if os.path.isfile(dbfilename) != 1:
raise Exception("ERROR: %s not found!" % dbfilename)
# name of file containing polyhedra database
self.dbfilename = dbfilename
# name of polyhedron
self.polyname = polyname
# search information in new format database about desired polimer
self.edges, self.v, self.conn, self.conn_type = self._search_database(polyname, dbfilename=self.dbfilename)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("%s" % e)
# monomeric subunit for polyhedron construction (instance of class
# Molecule)
self.building_block = deepcopy(M)
# box size
dimensions = self.building_block.get_size()
# box size along major axis (length)
self.L = dimensions[0]
# box size along second axis (width)
self.W = dimensions[1]
# box size along third axis (height)
self.H = dimensions[2]
# deformation database: [edge_id class x y z]. Edges having the same class will be scaled by the same coefficient.
#@todo insert information about deformations directly into database. At the moment, it has to be explicitely provided via add_deformation method.
self.deform = np.array([])
[docs] def generate_polyhedron(self, S, phone, fag, pen, deformation=[], add_conformation=False):
Given polyhedron information previously loaded (using setup_polyhedron), generate an appropriate symmetry figure.
:param S: polyhedron size (radius of mean sphere).
:param phone: rotation on molecule's first principal axis.
:param fag: rotation on molecule's second principal axis.
:param pen: rotation on molecule's third principal axis.
:param deformation: if list is provided, deformations will be applied according to self.deformation database.\n
deformation list length should be equal to the amount of deformation classes)
:param add_conformation: if True, the coordinates of the new poyhedron will be added to the conformational database as a new alternative conformation.\n
If False, old polyhedron coordianates will be substituted.
# if deformation coefficients are given, check first that they match
# the number of classes in deformation database
if len(deformation) > 0 and len(deformation) != len(np.unique(self.deform[:, 1])):
raise Exception("ERROR: %s deformation coefficients expected, but %s found" % (len(deformation), np.unique(self.deform[:, 1])))
self.gamma, self.phi, self.nu, self.circumradius, self.midradius = self.get_polyhedron_properties(S)
if not add_conformation:
# clear any previous polyhedron and load anew
self.load(self.building_block, self.edges)
self.current = 0
# add structure to existing units as alternative conformation
# (initially all identical)
self.current += 1
for i in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
# test type consistency: if arrays are provided, length should be equal
# to the amount of different types in conn_type
if 'ndarray' in str(type(phone)):
if len(phone) != len(fag) or len(phone) != len(pen) or len(phone) != len(np.unique(self.conn_type)):
print("ERROR: inconsistent length in provided angle arrays")
print("> received the following angles: %s, %s, %s" % (phone, fag, pen))
return -1
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("ERROR: all angle arrays should have length %s" %(len(np.unique(self.conn_type))))
# generate desired polyhedral coordinates (note: internally we work in
# radians, not degrees)
poly_xyz = self._polycalc_core(self.W, self.L, self.H, S, self.nu, self.phi, np.radians(phone), np.radians(fag), np.radians(pen), deformation)
for x in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
coords = poly_xyz[x, :, :].squeeze()
# if add_conformation:
# self.unit[x].add_xyz(coords)
# else:
[docs] def set_current(self, index):
Select current polyhedral conformation from ensemble of previously generated alternatives.
This places the frame pointer at the same desired position in all polyhedron subunits.
:param index: number of alternative conformation (starting from 0)
for x in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
[docs] def delete_xyz(self, index):
Delete one conformation in the conformational database.
the new current conformation will be the previous one
:param index: alternative coordinates set to remove (starting from zero)
for u in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
if index > 0:
self.current = index - 1
self.current = 0
[docs] def rmsd_distance_matrix(self, points_indices=[]):
Calculate the RMSD between all structures with respect of a reference structure.
uses Kabsch alignement algorithm.
:param points_indices: indices of points of interest. This must be a list of indices of atoms in unites, i.e. [[unit1_indices],[unit2_indices],...]
:returns: RMSD of all structures with respect of reference structure (in a numpy array)
# this method exploits the RMSD method implemented in Structure class.
S = Structure()
# all alternative coordinates are accumulated in a Structure instance
for i in range(0, self.unit[0].coordinates.shape[0], 1):
# if specific coordinates are requested, load only those
if len(points_indices) > 0:
pts = self.unit[0].get_xyz()
for i in range(1, len(self.unit), 1):
pts = np.concatenate((pts, self.unit[i].get_xyz()[points_indices[i], :]))
# otherwise, load everything
pts = self.get_all_xyz()
return S.rmsd_distance_matrix()
[docs] def write_poly_architecture(self, output="", scale=10, deformation=[], colors=[]):
dump PDB file and tcl script loadable in VMD showing the loaded polyhedral scaffold.
pseudoatoms are placed in vertices, cylinders connect them. Cylinder color code matches connection type.
:param scale: vertices scaling factor (i.e. how much you want to blow up your architecture)
:param colors: list of colors to be used when coloring the cylinders in VMD session. By default, the following 25 VMD colors are available (in this order): blue, red, gray, orange, yellow, tan ,silver, green, white, pink, cyan, purple, lime, mauve, ochre, iceblue, black, yellow2, green2, cyan2, blue2, violet, magenta, red2, orange2.
:param deformation: if provided, deformations will be applied as described in deformation database
:param output: name of output files (without extension. .pdb and .tcl will be automatically added). By default, the name will be the polyhedron name.
if output == "":
output = self.polyname
if len(colors) == 0:
colors = ['blue', 'red', 'gray', 'orange', 'yellow', 'tan', 'silver', 'green', 'white', 'pink', 'cyan', 'purple', 'lime',
'mauve', 'ochre', 'iceblue', 'black', 'yellow2', 'green2', 'cyan2', 'blue2', 'violet', 'magenta', 'red2', 'orange2']
pos = self.v * scale
if len(deformation) > 0:
if len(self.deform) == 0:
raise Exception("ERROR: %s deformation coefficients provided, but no deformation axis found!" % len(deformation))
elif len(deformation) == len(self.deform[:, 1]):
for d in self.deform:
pos[int(d[0])] += deformation[int(d[1])] * d[2:5]
raise Exception("ERROR: %s deformation coefficients expected, but %s found" % (len(deformation), np.unique(self.deform[:, 1])))
# output vertices coordinates
S = Structure(pos)
S.write_pdb("%s.pdb" % output)
# output VMD script loading the structure and drawing colored cylinders
# between them if a connection exists
fout = open("%s.tcl" % output, "w")
fout.write("mol new %s.pdb\n" % output)
fout.write("mol modstyle 0 top VDW 1.000000 12.000000\n")
for k in range(0, len(self.conn), 1):
i = pos[self.conn[k][0]]
j = pos[self.conn[k][1]]
clr = colors[self.conn_type[k % len(colors)]]
fout.write("draw color %s\n" % clr)
fout.write("draw cylinder {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} radius 0.5\n" %(i[0], i[1], i[2], j[0], j[1], j[2]))
[docs] def get_neighbors(self, return_chain_names=False):
create dictionary defining neighborhood relationships, i.e. edges having a vertex in common (key=edge chain name, value: numpy array of neighboring chains)
:param return_chain_names: if False, neighbors indices are returned, if True indices will be converted in chain names (as assigned when a pdb is written)
:returns: dictionary containing neighborhood information
# create dictionary with neighbors (key: chain name, values: numpy
# array of neighboring chains)
neigh_dict = {}
for i in range(0, len(self.conn), 1):
neighs = []
for j in range(0, len(self.conn), 1):
if i != j:
if self.conn[i, 0] in self.conn[j] or self.conn[i, 1] in self.conn[j]:
if return_chain_names:
if return_chain_names:
neigh_dict[self.chain_names[i]] = np.array(neighs)
neigh_dict[i] = np.array(neighs)
return neigh_dict
def _search_database(self, polyname, dbfilename="polyhedron_database_complete.dat"):
search new style database (with plain formatting and containing connectivity information)
# check polyhedra database existence
if os.path.exists(dbfilename) == 0:
raise Exception('ERROR: file %s not found!' % dbfilename)
# look for desired polyhedron in database
fin = open(dbfilename, 'r')
v = []
conn = []
conn_type = []
for line in fin.readlines():
linetosave = line.split()
if linetosave[0] == polyname:
vert = int(linetosave[1])
edges = int(linetosave[2])
# prepare vertices list
for i in range(vert):
v.append((float(linetosave[3 + i * 3]), float(linetosave[3 + i * 3 + 1]), float(linetosave[3 + i * 3 + 2])))
# prepare connectivity list (could add feature that
# connectivity is computed, if does not exist)
for i in range(edges):
conn.append((int(linetosave[3 + 3 * vert + i * 2]), int(linetosave[3 + 3 * vert + i * 2 + 1])))
# prepare connection type information
if len(linetosave) == 3 + 3 * vert + 2 * edges:
print("WARNING: database contains no connection type for %s. Supposing all edges have same connection type." % polyname)
conn_type = np.zeros(edges)
elif len(linetosave) == 3 + 3 * vert + 3 * edges:
for i in range(edges):
conn_type.append(int(linetosave[3 + 3 * vert + 2 * edges + i]))
raise Exception("ERROR: database inconsistency for connectivity type information in polyhedron %s" % polyname)
if len(v) == 0:
raise Exception("ERROR: polyhedron %s not found in database %s!" %(polyname, dbfilename))
return edges, np.array(v), np.array(conn), np.array(conn_type)
[docs] def get_polyhedron_properties(self, S):
retrieve polyhedron properties
x = self.edges * 1.0 # x=number of edges
y = 2 * self.edges / len(self.v) * 1.0 # y=average connectvity
gamma = 2 * np.pi * (1 / y - 1 / x)
phi = 2 * np.pi / y # average facial angle
top = 1 - np.cos(gamma) # numerator
bot = 1 - np.cos(phi) # denominator
nu = np.arccos(np.sqrt(top / bot)) # tangent curvature angle
circumradius = S / (2 * np.sin(nu)) # circumradius
midradius = circumradius * np.cos(nu) # mid radius
return gamma, phi, nu, circumradius, midradius
def _polycalc_core(self, W, L, H, S, nu, phi, phone, fag, pen, deformation=[], get_box_edges=False):
launch polyhedron assembly using polymake functions
kay = (2 * H * np.tan(nu) + W / (np.tan(phi / 2) * np.cos(nu))) / L + 1 # scaling factor for truncation
scale = kay * S # factor to adjust polyhedron
vscale = self.v * scale # rescale polyhedron
# if needed, apply edges deformation
if len(deformation) > 0:
for d in self.deform:
vscale[int(d[0])] += deformation[int(d[1])] * d[2:5]
# build bounding box vertices
vrecty = self._rectanglify(vscale, L, W, H, kay)
# iterate over all edges
v_cubody_data = []
if get_box_edges:
boxes_edges = []
for i in range(len(self.conn)):
# cube located where the protein will have to be displaced
vcuby = []
# dig out all 8 vertices for each new rectanglified edge (4 on each
# end). Distinguish the 'outer' 4 vertices from the 'inner' 4
# vertices
for j in range(len(vrecty)):
if(self.conn[i, 0] == vrecty[j][0] and self.conn[i, 1] == vrecty[j][1]):
for k in range(4):
vcuby.append((vrecty[j][2 + k][0],
vrecty[j][2 + k][1],
vrecty[j][2 + k][2]))
elif(self.conn[i, 1] == vrecty[j][0] and self.conn[i, 0] == vrecty[j][1]):
for k in range(4):
vcuby.append((vrecty[j][2 + k][0],
vrecty[j][2 + k][1],
vrecty[j][2 + k][2]))
if get_box_edges:
# find the angles required to rotate the central pdb file, to align
# it with the box (previously was also returning vtbox)
if 'ndarray' not in str(type(phone)):
vtdata = self._cuboid_adjust(np.array(vcuby), self.unit[i].get_xyz(), phone, fag, pen, (i, 0))
conntype = self.conn_type[i]
vtdata = self._cuboid_adjust(np.array(vcuby), self.unit[i].get_xyz(), phone[conntype], fag[conntype], pen[conntype], (i, 0))
# append vertex array with pdb file
# protein enclosing boxes
if get_box_edges:
Str = Structure(np.array(boxes_edges))
# return atoms coordinates
return np.array(v_cubody_data).astype(float)
def _rectanglify(self, vscale, L, W, H, kay):
take a vertex list and return a rectanglified vertex list
vrecty = []
for i in range(len(vscale)): # for each individual vertex position
v1 = vscale[i]
# scroll through the other vertices...
for j in range(len(vscale)):
#tt = self._conn_find(i,j)
tst = False
for k in range(len(self.conn)):
if(self.conn[k, 0] == i and self.conn[k, 1] == j) or (self.conn[k, 1] == i and self.conn[k, 0] == j):
tst = True
if i != j and tst: # if the two are connected then get to work!
v2 = vscale[j] # get the vector to the second vertex
# get normalised edge vector
v2n = (v2 - v1) / np.linalg.norm(v2 - v1)
v3c = np.cross(v1, v2) # get perpendicular to edge
v3 = v3c / np.linalg.norm(v3c)
# walk short distance from corner to rectangle face
i2 = v2n * (kay - 1) * L / 2.0
i3 = v3 * W / 2.0 # half width step perpendicular to edge
temp1 = v1 + i2 # vector to face of rectangle from corner down edge
temp2 = temp1 + i3 # vector to side of rectangle face
temp3 = temp1 - i3 # vector to other side of rectangle face
# vector perpendicular to edge and width
v4c = np.cross(v2n, v3)
v4 = v4c / np.linalg.norm(v4c)
temp4 = temp2 - v4 * H # step off outside edge by the height #1
temp5 = temp3 - v4 * H # step off outside edge by heigh #2
# take the rectangle face, indexed by vertex into recty array
vrecty.append([i, j, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5])
return vrecty
def _cuboid_adjust(self, vcuby, v_data, phone, fag, pen, ii):
take a cuboid and a source cuboid and data file, and output vertex array with data and box transposed into target position
ii parameter: if second element not 0, indicates the number of elements per ring (second half rotated by 180 degrees)
lim = 1E-7
# move vertices to centre of mass
com_cuby = np.mean(vcuby, axis=0)
vt = vcuby - com_cuby
if ii[1] != 0:
# for the double rings, work out what the fag=0 position is based
# on the centre of face vector
e = np.mean(vt[[2, 3, 6, 7]], axis=0)
# work out what centre of face vector makes with Z axis
fagZero = np.arccos(np.dot(e, np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])) / np.linalg.norm(e))
# correct to make sure fag is offset by this much
fag = (np.pi / 2.0 - fagZero) + fag
tusk = 5.0 # These random rotations make sure that we don't get stuck in an initially bad position
# perform a random rotation 1
vt = self._poly_rotate(vt, tusk, 0.0, 0.0)
# perform a random rotation 2
vt = self._poly_rotate(vt, 0.0, tusk, 0.0)
# perform a random rotation 3
vt = self._poly_rotate(vt, 0.0, 0.0, tusk)
# find angle of (x,y) component of vector from origin to centre of face
# (0,1,2,3) makes with positive x axis
e = np.mean(vt[0:4], axis=0)
if np.abs(e[0]) != 0 and np.abs(
e[1]) != 0: # exception in the case where the 'face' vector is NOT along the +/- z axis
# theta1=vec_ang((e[0],e[1],0.0),(1.0,0.0,0.0))
e[2] = 0.0
theta1 = np.arccos(np.dot(e, np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])) / np.linalg.norm(e))
if e[1] < 0:
theta1 = theta1 * -1.0
else: # in the case where the face vector IS along the +/- z axis
theta1 = 0.0
# perform the z rotation
vt2 = self._poly_rotate(vt, 0.0, 0.0, theta1)
# find angle of (z, x) component of vector from origin to centre of
# face (0, 1, 2, 3) makes with positive x axis
e = np.mean(vt2[0:4], axis=0)
if e[2] != 0 and e[
0] != 0: # exception for when the face vector is along the +/- y axis
#theta2=vec_ang((e[0], 0.0, e[2]), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
e[1] = 0.0
theta2 = np.arccos(np.dot(e, np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])) / np.linalg.norm(e))
if e[2] > 0:
theta2 = theta2 * -1.0
# do this if the vector is along the +/- y axis (TETRAHEDRON WANTS
theta2 = 0.0
# perform the 'phone' lateral rotation
vt2 = self._poly_rotate(vt2, 0.0, theta2, 0.0)
# find angle of (y, z) compoent of vector from origin to centre of face
# (0, 1, 2, 3) makes with positive x axis
e = vt2[0] - vt2[1]
# perform the z rotation
#theta3 = vec_ang((0.0, e[1], e[2]), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
e[0] = 0.0
theta3 = np.arccos(np.dot(e, np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])) / np.linalg.norm(e))
if e[2] < 0:
theta3 = theta3 * -1.0
vt2 = self._poly_rotate(vt2, theta3, 0.0, 0.0) # perform an x rotation
# test for convergence problems
e = vt2[0] - vt2[1]
if np.abs(e[0]) > lim:
return -1
vrd = v_data
if ii[0] >= ii[1] and ii[1] != 0: # DO THIS FOR DOUBLE RINGS
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, 0.0, np.pi, 0.0) # 180 about y
fag = fag * -1.0
# perform the 'fag' edge rotation
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, fag, 0.0, 0.0)
# perform the 'phone' lateral rotation
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, 0.0, 0.0, phone)
# perform the 'pen' lateral rotation
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, 0.0, pen, 0.0)
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, -theta3, 0.0, 0.0) # x rotation by theta3
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, 0.0, -theta2, 0.0) # y rotation by theta2
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, 0.0, 0.0, -theta1) # z rotation by theta1
# perform the reverse random rotation 1
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, 0.0, 0.0, -tusk)
# perform the reverse random rotation 2
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, 0.0, -tusk, 0.0)
# perform the reverse random rotation 3
vrd = self._poly_rotate(vrd, -tusk, 0.0, 0.0)
# perform the reverse of the translation on the structure return
# coordinates
return vrd + com_cuby
def _poly_rotate(self, v_in, a, b, c):
function of rotating a point about three euler angles
requires three rotation matricies (for x y and z axis)
will return vector from com to new position
1 0 0 #cosb 0 -sinb #cosc sinc 0
0 cosa sina #0 1 0 #-sinc cosc 0
0 -sina cosa #sinb 0 cosb #0 0 1
convention is X,Y,Z and right handed
expects angles to be provided in in radians
v = np.array(v_in)
if a != 0:
m1 = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0, np.cos(a), np.sin(a)],
[0, -np.sin(a), np.cos(a)]])
v = np.dot(v, m1.T)
if b != 0:
m2 = np.array([[np.cos(b), 0, -np.sin(b)],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[np.sin(b), 0, np.cos(b)]])
v = np.dot(v, m2.T)
if c != 0:
m3 = np.array([[np.cos(c), np.sin(c), 0],
[-np.sin(c), np.cos(c), 0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
return np.dot(v, m3.T)
return v