# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Matteo Degiacomi
# BiobOx is free software ;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ;
# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# BiobOx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BiobOx ;
# if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
# Author : Matteo Degiacomi, matteothomas.degiacomi@gmail.com
import os
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from biobox.classes.structure import Structure
import pandas as pd
[docs]class Assembly(object):
Construct and manipulate assemblies of multiple :func:`Structure <structure.Structure>` instances.
# labels for chain names (will be assigned to individual members of the
# assembly upon PDB creation).
chain_names = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T',
'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd',
'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x',
'y', 'z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0')
def __init__(self):
An Assembly is composed of several building blocks (instances of Structure class) referred to as "unit", and stored in the self.unit list.
User-friendly names for these unites are stored in the self.unit_labels list. If no name is provided, a number will be assigned (as a string, starting from 0).
# list of Structure instances (or subclasses).
self.unit = []
# labels assigned to every structure. The length of this dictionary is
# equal to that of unit.
self.unit_labels = {}
# current conformation selected from conformational database
self.current = -1
#metadata associated to every point
self.data = pd.DataFrame(index=[], columns=[])
[docs] def clear(self):
remove all elements loaded in the assembly.
# restart arrays
self.unit = []
self.unit_labels = {}
[docs] def load(self, struct, n):
load a list of identical structures (homo assembly).
:param n: number of units
:param struct: object of class Structure (or subclasses)
dfs = [self.data]
for i in range(len(self.unit), len(self.unit) + n, 1):
e = deepcopy(struct)
self.unit_labels[str(i)] = i
#add labeling to structures tables, prior concatenation
e.data["unit"] = str(i)
e.data["unit_index"] = e.data.index
#create dataframe collecting information from all structures
self.data = pd.concat(dfs)
self.data.index = np.arange(len(self.data))
self.current = 0
[docs] def merge(self, assembly, n=1):
add the structures contained in another assembly in the current one.
:param assembly: object of class Assembly
:param n: number if instances of assembly to merge (only one by default)
atmp = deepcopy(assembly)
for i in range(0, n, 1):
for a in atmp.unit:
self.load(a, 1)
[docs] def append(self, structure, label=""):
append a new :func:`Structure <structure.Structure>` instance into an existing assembly
:param structure: :func:`Structure <structure.Structure>` object to be appended to assembly
:param label: name to give to the assembly. If not provided a default value equal to the rank of the new Structure in the assembly will be assigned.
:returns: label assigned to the new Structure in the assembly
if label == "":
self.unit_labels[str(len(self.unit) - 1)] = len(self.unit) - 1
if label != "":
if label not in self.unit_labels.keys():
self.unit_labels[str(label)] = len(self.unit) - 1
raise Exception("ERROR: label %s already existing in multimer!" %label)
#append structure to dataframe
structure.data["unit"] = label
structure.data["unit_index"] = structure.data.index
self.data = pd.concat([self.data, structure.data])
self.data.index = np.arange(len(self.data))
return label
[docs] def load_list(self, struct_list, labels=[]):
load a list of :func:`Structure <structure.Structure>` objects with their associated labels list (typically for hetero assemblies).
:param struct_list: :func:`Structure <structure.Structure>` objects (or subclasses of it)
:param labels: user-friendly names used to identify every structure. If empty, simple incremental integers are used.
# check labels consistency
if len(labels) != 0:
if len(struct_list) != len(labels):
raise Exception(
"ERROR: structures and labels lists have different length!")
if len(np.unique(np.array(labels))) != len(labels):
raise Exception(
"ERROR: duplicate label found in provided list!")
# check that labels are all different, and that they don't already
# exist in the list
for l in labels:
if l in self.unit_labels:
raise Exception("ERROR: label %s already exists!" % l)
# append new structures to old ones
dfs = [self.data]
for i in range(len(self.unit), len(self.unit) + len(struct_list), 1):
# create dictionary with neighbors
e = deepcopy(struct_list[i])
if len(labels) != 0:
lbl = labels[i]
lbl = str(i)
self.unit_labels[lbl] = i
#add labeling to structures tables, prior concatenation
e.data["unit"] = lbl
e.data["unit_index"] = e.data.index
#create dataframe collecting information from all structures
self.data = pd.concat(dfs)
self.data.index = np.arange(len(self.data))
[docs] def make_structure(self):
returns a :func:`Structure <structure.Structure>` object containing all the points of the assembly.
:returns: :func:`Structure <structure.Structure>` object
return Structure(p=self.get_all_xyz())
[docs] def make_curved_chain(self, angle, dist, groups=[]):
move loaded units so that they arrange in a bent chain.
:param angle: chain curvature
:param dist: distance between centers of mass
:param groups: if set, a chain is formed by considering groups of loaded structures as unique objects.
If unset, every object is independently moved.
# if no group has been selected, every subunit forms a group by itself
if len(groups) == 0:
for i in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
# keep track of the position of previous member of chain
last_center = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# print groups, len(self.unit), len(groups)
for i in range(0, len(groups), 1):
# get group center, will be used to center it to the origin
pts = self.unit[groups[i][0]].get_xyz()
for j in range(1, len(groups[i]), 1):
pts = np.concatenate((pts, self.unit[groups[i][j]].get_xyz()))
current_center = np.mean(pts, axis=0)
# center group, rotate it, and send it to designated area (element
# by element)
for j in range(0, len(groups[i]), 1):
self.unit[groups[i][j]].translate(-current_center[0], -current_center[1], -current_center[2])
self.unit[groups[i][j]].rotate(0, 0, angle * (i))
x = last_center[0] + dist * np.cos(np.radians(angle * (i)))
y = last_center[1] + dist * np.sin(np.radians(angle * (i)))
self.unit[groups[i][j]].translate(x, y, 0.0)
# compute group center after rototranslation, and store it for next
# iteration
pts = self.unit[groups[i][0]].get_xyz()
for j in range(1, len(groups[i]), 1):
pts = np.concatenate((pts, self.unit[groups[i][j]].get_xyz()))
last_center = np.mean(pts, axis=0)
[docs] def make_circular_symmetry(self, radius, displacement=0):
assemble the loaded units in a circular symmetry.
Supposes that all units are centered at the origin and oriented in the same way.
:param radius: radial displacement with respect of the origin (along x axis)
:param displacement: tangential displacement
for i in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
# get the extreme point on the x axis and move the atom corresponding to it to the origin
# add to the translation a displacement along the x axis
# corresponding to the requested radius
xyzMaxIndex = np.argmax(self.unit[i].points, axis=0)
maxAtom = self.unit[i].points[xyzMaxIndex[0]]
self.translate(-maxAtom[0] - radius, -maxAtom[1] + displacement, 0.0, i)
# number of degrees to rotate
angle = np.radians(i * (360.0 / float(len(self.unit))))
Rz = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -(np.sin(angle)), 0],
[(np.sin(angle)), (np.cos(angle)), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
[docs] def make_stacked_rings(self, radius, z, t=0):
construct a prism (two superimposed discs)
:param radius: radial displacement with respect of the origin (along x axis)
:param z: vertical displacement
:param t: tangential displacement after radial displacement (along y axis)
if np.mod(len(self.unit), 2) != 0:
raise Exception("cannot build polyhedron, need an even number of units!")
for i in range(0, int(len(self.unit) / 2.0), 1):
# rotate the second half of subunits upside down
self.rotate(180.0, 0.0, 0.0, i + int(len(self.unit) / 2.0))
# move the subunits
self.translate(radius, t, 0, i)
self.translate(radius, t, z, i + int(len(self.unit) / 2.0))
# number of degree to rotate
angle = np.radians(i * (360.0 / (float(len(self.unit) / 2.0))))
Rz = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -(np.sin(angle)), 0],
[(np.sin(angle)), (np.cos(angle)), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
self.unit[i + int(len(self.unit) / 2.0)].apply_transformation(Rz)
self.translate(0, 0, z, i + int(len(self.unit) / 2.0))
[docs] def make_prism(self, radius, z, a, b, c, t=0):
construct a prism (bases only). For a perfect stacking, units should be first aligned along their principal axes.
:param radius: radial displacement with respect of the origin (along x axis)
:param z: vertical displacement
:param a: rotation along x axis
:param b: rotation along y axis
:param c: rotation along z axis
:param t: tangential displacement after radial displacement (along y axis)
if np.mod(len(self.unit), 2) != 0:
raise Exception("ERROR: cannot build polyhedron, need an even number of units!")
for i in range(0, int(len(self.unit) / 2.0), 1):
# rotate the second half of subunits upside down
self.rotate(180.0, 0.0, 0.0, i + int(len(self.unit) / 2.0))
# rotate everything by desired angles
self.rotate(a, b, c, i)
self.rotate(-a, -b, c, i + int(len(self.unit) / 2.0))
# move the subunits
self.translate(radius, t, 0, i)
self.translate(radius, t, z, i + int(len(self.unit) / 2.0))
# number of degree to rotate
angle = np.radians(i * (360.0 / (float(len(self.unit) / 2.0))))
Rz = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -(np.sin(angle)), 0],
[(np.sin(angle)), (np.cos(angle)), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
self.unit[i + int(len(self.unit) / 2.0)].apply_transformation(Rz)
self.translate(0, 0, z, i + int(len(self.unit) / 2.0))
[docs] def rotate(self, x, y, z, unit=[]):
rotate desired units in the assembly.
:param x: rotation around x
:param y: rotation around y
:param z: rotation around z
:param unit: list of labels indicating which units to rotate (string or integer also accepted, for a single subunit). If undefind, all units will be rotated.
if isinstance(unit, list):
# rotate everything
if len(unit) == 0:
for i in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
self.unit[i].rotate(x, y, z)
# rotate desired units
for u in unit:
label = self.unit_labels[str(u)]
self.unit[label].rotate(x, y, z)
elif isinstance(unit, int) or isinstance(unit, str):
label = self.unit_labels[str(unit)]
self.unit[label].rotate(x, y, z)
raise Exception("ERROR: unit keyword should be integer, float, list or numpy array!")
[docs] def translate(self, x, y, z, unit=[]):
translate desired units in the assembly.
:param x: translation along x
:param y: translation along y
:param z: translation along z
:param unit: list of labels indicating which units to translate (string or integer also accepted, for a single subunit). If undefind, all units will be translated.
if isinstance(unit, list):
# translate everything
if len(unit) == 0:
for i in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
self.unit[i].translate(x, y, z)
# translate desired units
for u in unit:
label = self.unit_labels[str(u)]
self.unit[label].translate(x, y, z)
elif isinstance(unit, int) or isinstance(unit, str):
label = self.unit_labels[str(unit)]
self.unit[label].translate(x, y, z)
raise Exception("ERROR: unit keyword should be integer, float, list or numpy array!")
[docs] def center_subunit(self, unit=-1):
center individual subunit to origin.
:param unit: label of unit to center. If undefined, all units will be individually centered.
if unit == -1:
for i in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
u = self.unit_labels[str(unit)]
[docs] def center_assembly(self):
center whole assembly to origin.
pos = self.get_all_xyz()
center = np.mean(pos, axis=0)
self.translate(-center[0], -center[1], -center[2])
[docs] def get_all_xyz(self):
extract all structures coordinates in a unique array.
:returns: collapsed version of assembly's atoms coordinates.
pts = self.unit[0].get_xyz()
for i in range(1, len(self.unit), 1):
pts = np.concatenate((pts, self.unit[i].get_xyz()))
return pts
[docs] def get_uxyz(self):
extract all structures coordinates in a a list, where every element contains an array of coordinates of a unit.
:returns: list of units coordinates.
pts = []
for i in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
return np.array(pts)
[docs] def get_size(self):
compute dimensions of the structure along the x,y and z axes.
.. note:: points VdW radii are not kept into account
p = self.get_all_xyz()
return np.max(p, axis=0) - np.min(p, axis=0)
[docs] def get_buried(self):
compute buried surface (assembly sum of components asa minus assembly asa).
:returns: buried_surface in A^2
from biobox.measures.calculators import sasa
# sum asa of individual components
asa = 0
for i in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
asa += sasa(self.unit[i])[0]
# subtract assembly asa
asa -= sasa(self)[0]
return asa
[docs] def write_pdb(self, filename):
write a PDB file where every atom is a bid. VdW radius is written into beta factor.
:param filename: name of pdb file to be produced
fout = open(filename, "w")
for i in range(0, len(self.unit), 1):
for j in range(0, len(self.unit[i].points), 1):
if len(self.data) > 99999:
idx_val = hex(1 + i + len(self.unit) * j).split('x')[1] # remove 0x at start of hexadecimal number
idx_val = 1 + i + len(self.unit) * j
l = (idx_val, "SPH", "SPH", self.chain_names[i],
i, self.unit[i].points[j, 0], self.unit[i].points[j, 1],
self.unit[i].points[j, 2], self.unit[i].data["radius"][j], 1.0, "C")
L = 'ATOM %5s %-4s%-4s%1s%4i %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f %2s\n' % l
@ staticmethod
def _components(fibertype):
if fibertype == 'pmm':
return ['p2', 'pm']
elif fibertype == 'cmm':
return ['p2', 'cm']
elif fibertype == 'pmg':
elif fibertype == 'pgg':
elif fibertype == 'p31m':
elif fibertype == 'p3m1':
elif fibertype == 'p4g':
elif fibertype == 'p4m':
elif fibertype == 'p6m':
return [fibertype]
[docs] @ staticmethod
def num_units_fiber(Lpx, Lpy, min_height=10, fibertype=None):
calculate number of repeting units to be used to form a fiber.
:param Lpx: distance of the partner (point that will be superimposed to the origin) along x as number of steps in a 2D tiling.
:param Lpy: distance of the partner (point that will be superimposed to the origin) along y as number of steps in a 2D tiling.
:param min_height: optional, minimal height (number of repeting units along y) of the fiber (if min_height < Lpy, Lpy will be used as height of the fiber). Default is 10.
Nx = Lpx
Ny = max(min_height, Lpy)
if fibertype:
components = Assembly._components(fibertype)
n = len(components)
n = 1
return n * Nx, Ny
[docs] def make_fiber(self, vx, Lpx, Lpy, vy=None, gamma=np.pi/2, v=0, min_height=2, fibertype='p1oblique'):
create a fiber, seen as the rolling of a plane with (vx, vy) tiling such that the repeating unit in position (Lpx, Lpy) will be overlapped to the origin.
:param vx: distance between two first neighbors along x in a 2D tiling.
:param Lpx: distance of the partner (point that will be superimposed to the origin) along x as number of steps in a 2D tiling.
:param Lpy: distance of the partner (point that will be superimposed to the origin) along y as number of steps in a 2D tiling.
:param vy: optional, distance between two first neighbors along y in a 2D tiling (needed for 'p1oblique', 'p1rectangular', 'pm', 'pg', 'p2', ... fiber types).
:param gamma: optional, angle between vx and vy in rad, needed for 'p1oblique' fiber type and ignored for other fiber types (default is pi/2 - equivalent to p1rectangular).
:param min_height: optional, minimal height (number of repeting units along y) of the fiber (if min_height < Lpy, Lpy will be used as height of the fiber). Default is 2.
:param fibertype: optional, can be 'p1rectangular', 'p1hexagonal', 'p1oblique', pm', 'pg', 'cm', ... (default is 'p1oblique').
:param v: optional, additional parameter needed for 'pm', 'pg', 'cm', 'p2', ... fiber types (default is None). List for composite fibertypes.
if type(v) == int or type(v) == float:
vlist = [v]
vlist = list(v)
if fibertype not in ['p1rectangular', 'p1oblique', 'p1hexagonal', 'pm', 'pg', 'cm', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p6', 'pmm', 'cmm']:
raise Exception("fibertype %s not valid." %(fibertype))
def lvalue(Lx, Ly, vx, vy):
return np.sqrt((Lx * vx) ** 2 + (Ly * vy) ** 2)
def thetavalue(Lx, Ly, vx, vy):
return np.arctan2(Ly * vy , Lx * vx)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return np.sign(Ly) * np.pi / 2
def phivalue(L, theta, thetap, Lp):
return (2 * np.pi * L * np.cos(theta - thetap) / Lp) + np.pi
# return (2 * np.pi * L * np.cos(theta - thetap) / Lp)
def coords_in_fiber(Lx, Ly, vx, vy, Lp, x0, y0, z0, thetap):
L = lvalue(Lx, Ly, vx, vy)
theta = thetavalue(Lx, Ly, vx, vy)
phi = phivalue(L, theta, thetap, Lp)
Lp2pi = float(Lp) / (2 * np.pi)
x2 = (Lp2pi + x0) * np.cos(phi) + z0 * np.sin(phi)
z = - (Lp2pi + x0) * np.sin(phi) + z0 * np.cos(phi)
x = x2 + Lp2pi
y = L * np.sin(theta - thetap) + y0
return x, y, z
transformations = self._components(fibertype)
if len(vlist) != len(transformations):
raise Exception("%s parameters needed for %s fiber but only %s passed." %(len(transformations), fibertype, len(vlist)))
psi = None
nunitsdict ={'p1oblique': 1,
'p1rectangular': 1,
'p1hexagonal': 1,
'p2': 2,
'p3': 3,
'p4': 2,
'p6': 6,
'pm': 2,
'pg': 1,
'cm': 2} # or cm 1?
nunits = [nunitsdict[t] for t in transformations]
nunits_tot = sum(nunits)
t_order = [[(t, v)] * n for (t, v, n) in zip(transformations, vlist, nunits)]
t_order = [v for sublist in t_order for v in sublist]
if Lpx % nunits_tot != 0:
raise Exception(
"ERROR: Lpx must be a multiple of %s when doing a %s tiling!" %(nunits_tot, fibertype))
if 'p1hexagonal' in transformations or 'p2' in transformations or 'p3' in transformations or 'p4' in transformations or 'p6' in transformations or 'pg' in transformations or 'pm' in transformations:
if Lpy % 2 == 1:
raise Exception(
"ERROR: Lpy must be even when doing a %s tiling!" %(fibertype))
vy = np.sqrt(3) * vx / 2
if 'p6' in transformations:
vy = 3 * vy
if 'p1oblique' in transformations:
vy = vy * np.sin(gamma)
if 'p2' in transformations:
psi = np.arcsin(float(vy) / np.sqrt(vx ** 2 + vy ** 2))
if 'p4' in transformations or 'cm' in transformations:
vy = vx
Lp = lvalue(Lpx, Lpy, vx, vy)
thetap = thetavalue(Lpx, Lpy, vx, vy)
Nx, _ = Assembly.num_units_fiber(Lpx, Lpy, min_height=min_height)
def basic_transform(u, Lx, Ly, fibertype, vx, vy, gamma, v, psi):
if fibertype == 'p1hexagonal' and Ly % 2 == 1:
Lx += .5
elif fibertype == 'p1oblique' and Ly % 2 == 1:
Lx += vy * np.cos(gamma)
elif fibertype == 'p2':
odd = (Ly % 2 == 1)
if Lx % 2 == 1:
u.rotate(180, 0, 0) # why around x on not z??
Lx += v * np.cos(psi) / vx
Ly -= v * np.sin(psi) / vy
Lx -= 1
Lx -= v * np.cos(psi) / vx
Ly += v * np.sin(psi) / vy
if odd:
Lx += 1
elif fibertype == 'p3':
odd = (Ly % 2 == 1)
if Lx % 3 == 1:
u.rotate(-120, 0, 0) # why around x on not z??
Lx -= v * np.cos(np.pi / 6) / vx
Ly -= v * np.sin(np.pi / 6) / vy
Lx -= 1
elif Lx % 3 == 2:
u.rotate(120, 0, 0) # why around x on not z??
Lx += v * np.cos(np.pi / 6) / vx
Ly -= v * np.sin(np.pi / 6) / vy
Lx -= 2
Ly += float(v) / vy
if odd:
Lx += 1.5
elif fibertype == 'p4':
if Lx % 2 == 1:
if Ly % 2 == 1:
u.rotate(-90, 0, 0)
Lx -= v * np.cos(np.pi / 4) / vx
u.rotate(180, 0, 0)
Lx += v * np.cos(np.pi / 4) / vx
Lx -= 1
if Ly % 2 == 1:
u.rotate(90, 0, 0)
Lx += v * np.cos(np.pi / 4) / vx
Lx += 1
Lx -= v * np.cos(np.pi / 4) / vx
Ly -= v * np.sin(np.pi / 4) / vy
elif fibertype == 'p6':
odd = (Ly % 2 == 1)
if Lx % 6 == 1:
u.rotate(-60, 0, 0) # why around x on not z??
Lx += v * np.cos(np.pi / 6) / vx
Ly += v * np.sin(np.pi / 6) / vy
Lx -= 1
elif Lx % 6 == 2:
u.rotate(-120, 0, 0) # why around x on not z??
Lx += v * np.cos(np.pi / 6) / vx
Ly -= v * np.sin(np.pi / 6) / vy
Lx -= 2
elif Lx % 6 == 3:
u.rotate(-180, 0, 0) # why around x on not z??
Ly -= float(v) / vy
Lx -= 3
elif Lx % 6 == 4:
u.rotate(-240, 0, 0) # why around x on not z??
Lx -= v * np.cos(np.pi / 6) / vx
Ly -= v * np.sin(np.pi / 6) / vy
Lx -= 4
elif Lx % 6 == 5:
u.rotate(-300, 0, 0) # why around x on not z??
Lx -= v * np.cos(np.pi / 6) / vx
Ly += v * np.sin(np.pi / 6) / vy
Lx -= 5
Ly += float(v) / vy
if odd:
Lx += 3
elif fibertype == 'pm':
if Lx % 2 == 0:
Lx += float(v) / vx
u.rotate(0, 180, 0)
Lx -= 1 + float(v) / vx
elif fibertype == 'pg':
if Ly % 2 == 0:
Lx += float(v) / vx
u.rotate(0, 180, 0)
Lx -= float(v) / vx
elif fibertype == 'cm':
if Lx % 2 == 0:
Lx += float(v) / vx
u.rotate(0, 180, 0)
Lx -= 1 + float(v) / vx
if Ly % 2 == 1:
Lx += 1
return Lx, Ly
# print(zip(transformations, vlist))
composite = (len(transformations) > 1)
if not composite:
t = transformations[0]
v = vlist[0]
for n, u in enumerate(self.unit):
Ly = n / Nx
Lx = n % Nx
Lx, Ly = basic_transform(u, Lx, Ly, t, vx, vy, gamma, v, psi)
coords_fiber = np.array([coords_in_fiber(Lx, Ly, vx, vy, Lp, x0, y0, z0, thetap) for [x0, y0, z0] in u.get_xyz()])
for n, u in enumerate(self.unit):
Ly = n / Nx
Lx = n % Nx
Lx1 = Lx
Ly1 = Ly
for i, (t, v) in enumerate(zip(transformations, vlist)):
nu = nunitsdict[t]
if n >= nu * i:
Lxt, Lyt = basic_transform(u, Lx, Ly, t, vx, vy, gamma, v, psi)
Lx1 += Lxt
Lyt += Lyt
Lx = Lx1
Ly = Ly1
coords_fiber = np.array([coords_in_fiber(Lx, Ly, vx, vy, Lp, x0, y0, z0, thetap) for [x0, y0, z0] in u.get_xyz()])